NOMA is a French high-end furniture and objects editor, imagined by renowned designers and made from recycled and bio-sourced materials.
Our whole project is about eco-responsibility and eco-conception. We are also the first editor whose furniture is made almost completely is France with recycled materials.
We want to encourage people to take a different perspective on recycled materials. Because elegance, according to NOMA, is to be surrounded by beautiful, virtuous and responsible objects.
To master this challenge, we have assembled a team of experienced and influential designers eager to combine creation of desirable objects with ecological responsibility.
Because we believe :
Beauty is the most powerfull change agent.
We must work towards circular economy models.
Everyone has the right to be transparently informed about what we do and how we do it.
Recycled materials are the noblest materials.
Guillaume Galloy and Bruce Ribay
They talk about us
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