Born in Italy in 1971, Martino lives and works in London. He made his first steps as an apprentice with a furniture maker in Merano. Later on, Gamper went to study sculpture under Michelangelo Pistoletto supervision at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He finally completed a Masters in 2000 at the Royal College of Art in London, where he studied under Ron Arad.
Working across design and art venues, Martino Gamper engages in a variety of projects from exhibition design, interior design, one-off commissions and the design of mass-produced products for the cutting edge of the international furniture industry.
Among his references : Moroso, Prada, Magis, Nilufar Gallery…
For NOMA, Martino Gamper developped Plast 74,9%, a stool exploring possibilities of molding of recycled plastic as well as the “marriage” of wood and plastic.
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